Ask The Builder

Tim Carter - Nationally Syndicated Newspaper Columnist

Welcome to Tim Carter's Home Improvement Center

Hi, welcome to my Internet information resource. The information at this site should be of use to you no matter how you are plugged into your next building or remodeling project. Homeowners, do-it-yourselfers, contractors all can obtain information right here that should make your next construction experience a pleasant one!

If you have questions, comments, or suggestions, drop me an e-mail message at Hope you enjoy your visit!

Tim's Library
Doing research for an upcoming project? Want to know how and why certain things work? Or, do you need information about high quality products? If so, search the stacks here in Tim's Library. The Library houses all of Tim's past Ask The Builder newspaper columns and associated Builder Bulletins. What's more, a new Ask The Builder column and Builder Bulletin is added each week! Be sure to check in each week to read about the latest topic.

The Source
Are you looking for manufacturers of specific products? Do you need to obtain product literature? If so, you have come to the right Source! Use our high tech browser to locate a list of manufacturers of the products you need for your next job.

Tim's Tips (currently under construction)
Here is the interactive portion of the page. Tim, maufacturers and visitors post helpful tips concerning solutions to problems, helpful installation tricks, and many more tips that will help you make your next building or remodeling project a HUGE success. Consider posting a question on the 'Board'. You may get a personal response from me, as I intend to privately answer a minimum of 10 messages a day.

Ask The Builder
P.O. Box 36352 - Cincinnati, Ohio 45236-0352 - E-Mail: